The story behind our family ranch

As I child, I would spend my days on Dad’s ranch, which could only be accessed by a long and narrow dirt road. The site had no running water or electricity! Of course those days had changed for a more modem lifestyle. I lived my days among the cattle, enjoying simple the things you can only find in the serenity of the countryside and farm life . My precious time growing up on the ranch is the foundation for the passionate and tenacious woman I have become .

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My Father is my true inspiration and my fortitude comes from him. Dad built his successful Ranch business from the ground up under very difficult circumstances. Watching him overcome these seemingly unsurmountable obstacles instilled in my heart my lifelong passion for the ranch life. He received great satisfaction in producing the highest quality grass fed meat through the best practices it came naturally to him : the sustainable ranch practices, humane treatment of the animals, hard work, and an honest trade.

But, I'm also grateful that I'm the daughter of Manoel Teodoro . His only daughter who followed his footsteps and the love for cattle Ranch life and how important is to take care of the land and the animals so they can take take of us . My Dad’s life journey and legacy has always proved to me that I can do hard things.

So - this may sound pretty elementary, but I'm a forever daddy's girl.

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Rosangela with her beloved Father who is the inspiration behind Teodora's.
Rosangela Selecting the best cuts!

An experience curated for those with high standards

When people visit Teodora’s for the first time, they begin to understand exactly what they are eating; the best locally sourced, organic certified, expertly curated, healthy and delicious meat. We are hyper transparent about the farms we partner with and the diet and living conditions of our animals. Quality meat is a true gustatory pleasure to be savored and enjoyed, it is also a great source of necessary proteins, zinc, and iron which your body needs. Family recipes and other tips are lovingly shared with customers, to educate them about all of the different methods to prepare and preserve our highest quality meats.

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Family-grown for generations

Come and visit our store

Conveniently located in beautiful Cohasset!

What makes our shop incredibly unique?

Premium Quality

We know that the quality of an animal's life—especially diet—impacts the quality of the meat.

Personal touch

You will experience great results when choosing meats for your family because we care about helping you make the best choices!

The best sourcing only

We personally visit the ranches and farms to ensure kind and humane treatment to the animals.


We personally select and curate the best cuts and educate you on Best Practices on how to store, handle, prepare and cook your meat.

Owner is also a Rancher

Owner, Rosangela Teodoro was raised on her Dad's cattle ranch in Brazil, where she cultivated her passion for curating artisan meats.

Produced locally

Local, local, local. We are on a first name basis with everyone we source from and they are all within miles of the shop.

Who is behind Teodora's?